

What happens after I select a plan?

You book a 30-minutes consultation call with us where we discuss your business, marketing challenges, and the goals you'd like to accomplish with SEO. After understanding more about your business and goals, you'll get an in-depth technical website audit and traffic projection model to measure the impact of our SEO services on your bottom line. This will help you justify the cost of investing in Segment.

Why is a 6 or 12-months commitment required?

SEO is a long-term investment, and achieving significant results take time. SEO campaigns involve consistent effort to build and maintain search engine rankings, thorough research and implementation of tailored strategies, and ongoing adjustments to adapt to evolving search engine algorithms. Longer commitments allow for detailed planning and execution, leading to sustainable growth and measurable improvements in organic traffic and search engine rankings.

What is included in each plan?

Each subscription plan receives the same service, but the difference is in the number of keywords, backlinks and content optimized for each website. All packages include: On-Page SEO, Off-Page SEO, Keyword Research, Website Audits and Analytics.

Can I request a custom plan?

Yes. We are happy to create a custom SEO plan that fits your business goals. Contact our sales team to get started.

How do I know which plan is right for my business?

Choose the plan depending on your needs and the results you are looking to derive from the SEO campaigns. We would be happy to guide you in our initial consultation call through the services included in each Segment plan to determine which is the best fit for your business as well.

Are the results guaranteed?

No! Any SEO company that promises results is likely participating in black-hat (unethical) practices, is inexperienced or attempting to deceive you. There are many unknown variables that shape an SEO campaign for results to be guaranteed or predicted. For example, if a search engine updates its algorithm, that may likely affect results. Or if a competitor makes changes or updates to its SEO strategy, that can cause a disruption in performance. It is, for this reason, critical to vet your SEO agency to ensure they are able to combat market changes and keep your SEO program in tune. What any credible agency should guarantee is the work it will implement, regularly show reports and be completely transparent by showing all metrics and results.
If you have any other questions, get in touch with our team.